District Of Columbia / Study Tools

Study Tools & Prelicensing Course Features

    Study Tools

  • StudyHall (Exam Simulation) + Flashcards
  • PreLicenseTraining.com's StudyHall prepares students for the state insurance license exam, which is required in order to obtain an insurance license. Our StudyHall Exam Simulation includes multiple specific quizzes by topic, multiple final exams and hundreds of FLASHCARDS, all of which will help you pass your State Exam the first time.
  • Video CramCourse
  • Video's with pro exam tips you watch the days before before your state exam to help give you that last minute edge in passing.
  • Insurance - Live Exam Prep
  • Attend a live instructor lead online insurance exam prep seminar.
  • Live Instructor HELP Hot-Line
  • Speak to a licensed experience full time instructor Monday-Friday 9am - 4pm (Pacific Time) by email or phone, whatever works best for you.
  • Hardcopy Books
  • When you want to study with a real physical book in your hands.

PreLicenseTraining.com provide's prospective licensees with a truley optomized online training experience utilizing textbooks, audio, exams and video. You can now attend a licensing lecture class anytime 24/7 from any location in the nation!

Our online programs include a combination of streaming video classroom instruction, textbook material, hundreds of practice examination questions that include the correct rationale and tips. In addition to our study course, we offer a virtual online practice testing center called StudyHall. You are able to access over 1,000 updated test questions that may be taking in a final exam or specific study area quizzes. You will be able to simulate your State exam in the same timed format and practice practice practice.

Our company has over a decade of experience providing insurance pre-licensing classes and has helped over 100,000 individuals obtain their insurance licenses. We offer the highest quality study material at the lowest cost.

We have a class for you beginning right now, let's get started!

Main Courses

  • PreLicense Training
  • These are courses for when you need a NEW insurance license or adding a new discipline to your existing license. Speech and Text reviews with questions for each Chapter to help you pass the state Insurance Exam.
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  • Continuing Education
  • If you already hold an insurance license and need to renew it then you want to take your CE's.
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  • Securities
  • Prelicense Securities such as SIE, Series 6, 7, 63, 65, 66.